Mastering Your iPhone: Top Security and Feature Tips

Your iPhone is more than just a communication device; it’s a personal portal containing sensitive information and offering a vast array of functionalities. However, navigating its intricacies and ensuring optimal…


LATEST TECHONOLOGIES Trends for 2022-2023 are Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) ,Robotic Process Automation (RPA) ,Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality (VR & AR), 5G 5th generation mobile network

Who was Jesus Christ ?

Jesus, additionally called Jesus Christ, Jesus of Galilee, or Jesus of Nazareth, (conceived c. 6–4 BCE, Bethlehem—passed on c. 30 CE, Jerusalem), strict pioneer loved in Christianity, one of the world’s significant religions. He is viewed by most Christians as the Incarnation of God. The historical backdrop of Christian reflection on the lessons and nature of Jesus is analyzed in the article Christology.

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