India’s Chandrayaan-3 Mission: A Historic Landing on the Moon’s South Pole

India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission successfully landed on the Moon’s south pole on August 23, 2023, a historic achievement for the country’s space program. The lander, Vikram, touched down in the Manimala crater, which is located in the southern polar region of the Moon. The Pragyan rover, which was carried by the lander, is also expected to touch down on the surface in the coming days.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is the third in India’s Chandrayaan program, which is dedicated to exploring the Moon. The first mission, Chandrayaan-1, was launched in 2008 and operated until 2009. The second mission, Chandrayaan-2, was launched in 2019 but its lander crashed onto the Moon’s surface.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is designed to study the Moon’s south pole, which is thought to be rich in water ice. The lander and rover will conduct a variety of experiments to understand the composition and geology of the region, as well as the presence of water ice.

The successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 is a major milestone for India’s space program and a testament to the country’s growing capabilities in space exploration. The mission is also a significant achievement for the international community, as it demonstrates the growing cooperation between countries in space exploration.

Here are some of the important facts about the Chandrayaan-3 mission:

  • The mission cost about ₹615 crore.
  • The mission was launched on July 14, 2023, from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India.
  • The lander, Vikram, was carrying the Pragyan rover.
  • The lander touched down in the Manimala crater on August 23, 2023.
  • The rover is expected to touch down on the surface in the coming days.
  • The mission is designed to study the Moon’s south pole, which is thought to be rich in water ice.
  • The lander and rover will conduct a variety of experiments to understand the composition and geology of the region, as well as the presence of water ice.
  • The mission is a major milestone for India’s space program and a testament to the country’s growing capabilities in space exploration.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is a significant achievement for India and the international community. It demonstrates the growing cooperation between countries in space exploration and paves the way for future missions to the Moon.

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