Satish Dhawan Space Centre: India’s Launch Pad to the Stars

The Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC SHAR) is the primary spaceport of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It is located in Sriharikota, a small island off the coast of…

Swami Vivekananda Birthday – National Youth Day

Swami Vivekananda, a spiritual leader and philosopher from India, was born on January 12th, 1863. He is widely considered to be one of the most influential figures in the introduction…

Sino-Indian War – [October 20, 1962]

Overview: On 20 October 1962, the Sino-Indian war started with simultaneous Chinese offensives in Ladakh and along the McMahon Line. The war ended with a Chinese ceasefire a month later and a defeat for India 

10 Must Visit Temples Around the World: Discovering The Wonders of Ancient Architecture

Temples, shrines, pagodas, and sanctuaries. These ancient structures of worship, some dating back thousands of years, are the architectural gems of their respective cultures. From the impressive Angkor Wat of…

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